Monday, October 7, 2013

day 3

Today I am thankful for....

1)bedtime!  It was just one of those busy days with the kids.  Nobody napped when they were supposed to, and everyone was grumpy.  I am sitting here in a total disaster of the house because I'm too tired to clean up the dinner mess.  AND Jonah decided to completely rip a library book to shreds while I was busy trying to get Peyton in bed!  But now, I am enjoying the special kind of peace and quiet that comes only at bedtime and naptime.  Plus, I LOVE watching my kids makes it so easy for me to forgive and forget any annoyances....even when they involve destroying library book.  ;)

2)extended family.  I feel so blessed to really, really love and enjoy each member of my extended family.  I got to visit with and talk to some family members today, and it's always uplifting, fun, and good to chat and get advice and learn things.  And we always have fun together.  I know we won't all be together for too long, so right now Wes and I are relishing in the fact that his entire extended family is here, and most of mine is as well (although we miss my cute sister and her family who live about 4 hours away).  Fun times.

3)Mind Organization for Moms.  It's something I learned at a motherhood retreat I went to, and it's saved my sanity many, many times.  Every single day I am grateful for how this method of organizing everything in my life from my routines to my thoughts to my kids' schoolwork to bills to calendars/dates and anything else!  Because of M.O.M., I always know where things are, I manage my house pretty well (it still doesn't clean itself, darn it!), and those thoughts about important/fun things are put in a place where I actually see them again and follow through.  So grateful for M.O.M.

4)Jonah passing his hearing test!  My son has been tested and tested till the cows come home for hearing issues.  I really think that after the test today, we can officially say that he hears just fine.  Hooray!  I'm also grateful for modern technology that enabled us to be sure he hears fine.

5)good books.  They uplift and inspire me.  They teach me.  They help me to learn things and to improve myself in every/any aspect of my life.  They tell stories.  I'm also EXTREMELY grateful for my love of reading and the ability to do it with ease.

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