Thursday, October 10, 2013

day 6

I'm thankful for...

1) chicken soup.  It's one of my new staples that's gotten me through this super restrictive diet.  I learned to make my own broth, and when I make it myself I can be flexible with what I throw in (wild rice, potatoes, extra veggies, etc.) which makes a difference when I'm eating it so often!  I'm glad to have a yummy soup to eat on drizzly days like today.  :)

2) my husband and all the hard work he's doing for our family.  Wes has been so busy with all kinds of amazing things lately.  He's kept himself so disciplined and motivated, and become more and more engaged at home with everything that's going on.  I love having an involved, dedicated husband.  He inspires me to be a better person as well as makes me fall in love with him more and more each day.  I'm a lucky girl to be married to him!

3)my bed.  I have a little cold today, and it made me appreciate not only my bed, but the darker, drizzly day which led to all of my kids sleeping in.  I got some much-needed rest and although I still feel blah, I'm glad that I'm at home and that I have a snuggly, inviting bed to retreat to when I don't feel so hot.

4) the scriptures.  I feel like I learn so much about life and about myself from a good story.  I feel so grateful that our church has several scriptures that I can refer to in order to find answers, hear God's word, and read about others who shared a lot of my same struggles and also my same beliefs and values. 

5)my awesome mixer.  I was able to throw together some chicken stew today in about 10 minutes flat!  Considering how many veggies I chopped up and threw in there, that's pretty darn awesome.  I have this cool attachment that slices things for me, and I used it when I made my soup.  It sliced it all up - all of it - in about 30 seconds.  Now, my house smells amazing.  Yum!

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