Friday, October 25, 2013

day 11

Today I'm grateful for...

1) school being back in.  As much as I love the kids being home, it was nice to put my house back together today and be able to walk into the kitchen without hearing at least one person saying, "Mom, I'm hungry."  I'm glad I can be here when they get home and hand them a nice little snack and have the evening together in a house I cleaned while they were gone.  I like having a little routine to my days and my life (and I like not having to be too rigid about them, too.)

2) my kids all have the ability to walk and run.  There are so many that don't, and I can't imagine how hard that would be not only as a child, but as the parent of one.  I'm so grateful that my kids don't have to deal with the pain and heartache that could come along with that.  I hope that they always get to enjoy the use of their legs.  They are lucky little kiddos!

3) family nights.  I am grateful that we try to spend some time together as a family at least once a week.  I've heard before that love is spelled T-I-M-E and I have to agree.  I'm glad that we love each other so much and that we have fun together often.

4) the mountains.  We live so close to them, and every day I admire their breathtaking beauty. I'm so thankful that I get to live so close to them and enjoy them each time I step outside or peek out of my window.

5) square foot gardening.  Ours was pathetic this year, but I still felt grateful as we cleaned them out, picked a bunch of tomatoes (that ultimately got thrown to the chickens), strawberries, peas, and a few squash and pumpkins.  I am glad that we all enjoy the garden.  I'm VERY thankful that I learned this method that is so productive, orderly, and fun!

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