Friday, October 25, 2013

day 14

I'm thankful for....

1) ice skating.  Wes and I got to go together tonight and we had so much fun!  I loved when skating was such a big part of my life.  I'm glad I had to stop, because I don't think it's a very healthy environment for a young girl, but it doesn't change the fact that I missed it!  I love the smell, the feel of the ice beneath my feet, the music...I could go on and on.  I love it and I'm thankful that I got to be a kid again for the night and enjoy the ice again!

2) date night.  There's nothing that makes my heart leap like time alone with my husband.  I love him so much and feel so, so lucky that he loves me back!

3) Shaunie.  One of our fabulous babysitters that makes date night possible.  The kids love her and so do we. 

4) instant mac & cheese.  Sometimes, you just don't feel like cooking.  I'm glad there are things like instant mac & cheese that make the kids excited that I'm not cooking sometimes.  ;)

5) flyswatters.  Enough said.

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